Saturday, March 28, 2015

Callisto - excerpt

This one’s going to take me a little while to finish, so to keep myself motivated, I thought I’d share an excerpt. I’ll probably keep sharing more as I work on it.

I can see a faint crease in their brow — annoyance. “It didn’t work,” they say. “Will you help me or not?”

On the whole, people usually want to help other people. Even if they don’t want to help someone, it can be kinda hard to turn down a direct request. So that “will you help me or not?” in response to a perfectly reasonable question doesn’t come off like a desperate plea – it sounds like bullying.

“I’m afraid I can’t,” I tell them. Because I hate bullies, I don’t even suggest other detectives they could try. “But I appreciate your consideration.”

Before I can stand to lead them out the door, they sigh. “Fine.” They look at me, and I notice for the first time how perfectly grey their eyes are. There’s no hint of color — no cool blues, no warmer greens, nothing.

“Please get this ring from Dr. Avery Woodmont,” they tell me. And I have to. I don’t want to, but I don’t got a choice. They smile at me. “I’ll thank you when the task is complete.”

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